Motor Vehicle Offences and Criminal Offences
There is a long list of potential motor vehicle infractions outlined in the Motor Vehicle Act. These include everything from “slow driving” to driving without vehicle insurance. These infractions can get the offender a fine and/or infraction points on your driver’s licence. (If you get enough points, you can lose your licence.)
Then there are motor vehicle infractions that are criminal acts such as impaired driving or even failing to give a breath sample when asked by a police office.
There are some infractions that could be either simple motor vehicle infractions or criminal, and the differences between the two may be subtle and beyond the scope of this short blog article. An example would be “dangerous driving” which is criminal and “driving without due care” which is not criminal.
Our advice to you is if you think you have unfairly received a ticket for a motor vehicle offence or you have been charged with a criminal offence, seek the advice of a criminal lawyer as soon as possible. Engaging an experienced criminal lawyer is your best bet for a favourable outcome.
In addition, don’t drink and drive, carry your licence and proof of insurance at all times, and assume that you will get caught for an infraction. Police throughout Canada use Automatic Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology to catch offenders. You can get caught very easily, and there are plenty of video cameras everywhere on city streets and in front of businesses and residential areas.
When you hire a lawyer, you are hiring a professional, and the lawyer will use all of his or her training and experience to give you the best legal services pertaining to your case. If you need a defence lawyer who specializes in criminal law, you can always call Michael Bloom in Vancouver at (604) 603-5513 for a free consultation.
Michael Bloom is a very experienced criminal defence lawyer, who started his career as a Crown Prosecutor.
If you have any questions about this article or would like to schedule a free consultation with Mr. Bloom, please call his office at (604) 603-5513 or Toll-Free at (877) 603-5513.